Hierarchical Clustering

A Comprehensive Intuition of Hierarchical Clustering

In unsupervised machine learning, hierarchical clustering is a form of clustering algorithm that organizes related data points in a hierarchy or tree-like structure according to their proximity or similarity. A dendrogram, which shows the hierarchy's branching structure, may be used to depict the resultant hierarchy.

The stages in hierarchical clustering are as follows:

Initialization: Each data point is first taken into account as a separate cluster by the algorithm.

Compute distance/similarity: With each pair of data points, a distance or similarity metric is calculated. The similarity or dissimilarity between each pair of data points is assessed using this metric.

Combine the two nearest clusters: A new cluster is created by combining the two closest clusters. The closest clusters are identified using the distance/similarity metric from step 2.

Update the distance/similarity matrix to account for the newly created cluster in step 3 and recalculate distance/similarity.

Up until all the data points have been combined into a single cluster, repeat steps 3 and 4 as necessary.

Agglomerative and divisive hierarchical clustering are the two forms. Whereas divisive clustering begins with all of the data in a single cluster and recursively divides it into smaller clusters, aggregative clustering starts with each data point as a distinct cluster and subsequently merges the closest pairs of clusters.

The most popular kind of hierarchical clustering is agglomerative hierarchical clustering. The distance or similarity between clusters in agglomerative clustering is determined using one of many approaches, including single linkage, full linkage, or average linkage. The techniques used to determine the separation or resemblance between clusters vary.

A dendrogram may be used to see the clusters after they have formed. A dendrogram is a tree-like diagram that displays the hierarchy's branching structure. The distance or dissimilarity between the clusters that are merging at a particular moment is represented by the height of each branch in the dendrogram. The ideal number of clusters to employ in future analysis may be determined using the dendrogram.

The strategy required utilizing R's hclust function to do hierarchical clustering analysis. In order to find the link between our cluster variables, or the states in our example, and to compare the findings to those seen in the partitioning clustering case, I generated dendrograms.

An Animation of How Hierarchical Clustering is Performed 

This does not represent AGNES or DIANA

Hierarchically Clustering Chicago Crime Data 

In order to perform Hirarchical Clustering or HClust on the Chicago Crime Record dataset it is required to transform it into a different structure other than its original temporal record format. It is required to have a quantitative estimation of what clusters together. In this case, the data is used to hierarchically cluster Crime Types based on both Community Area Name and District Names in Chicago, to see, spatially, what locations have similar frequency of reported cases. This hypothesis is rationally sound and can be understood from the hierarchical visualisation of clusters. 

Data Preparation

Community Area Wise Aggregation

District Wise Aggregation

Crime Types Aggregated by Socio Economic Status

Hierarchical Clustering for Both Community Areas and Districts

Hierarchical Clustering on Socio Economic Status

Inference on the above analysis.

The hierarchical clustering technique divided the community areas in the first dataset into two different clusters, showing that the patterns of crime in these two groups varied significantly from one another. The second dataset likewise produced two clusters, but the second cluster had more subclusters, indicating that these districts may have more intricate crime patterns. Two groups were produced by the socioeconomic hierarchical clustering, which may be a sign that crime patterns are strongly tied to the socioeconomic level of various communities.

Overall, hierarchical clustering has shown to be a useful tool for deciphering these intricate datasets, enabling us to see trends and associations that would have been difficult to spot using conventional statistical techniques. The findings of this investigation provide crucial insights into the intricate connections between crime, socioeconomic status, and neighborhood features and may be utilized to guide future policy choices and enhance crime prevention tactics.


In conclusion, Hierarchical clustering is a powerful technique that can be used to identify patterns and relationships in the Chicago Crime dataset in combination with demographic labels like high income, low income, and moderate-income according to the community area. By analyzing crime data and demographic information together, law enforcement officials and policymakers can better understand the underlying factors that contribute to crime patterns in different areas of the city. It is an effective method for locating connections and patterns in large datasets. 

Clustering, in general, helps aggregate similar kinds of data points, which in reality, are records of crime. Adding additional contexts to this already efficient technique will elevate the way law enforcement ensure the safety of the public. It is indeed intriguing to find out certain types of community areas cluster together based on their frequency and type of crimes reported. This is substantial information that can help tailor immediate response teams fit for dealing with certain types of scenarios and mitigate them.bai

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